Potentials of a prolonged tourism season in the Nordic Archipelago
We invite you to our seminar 7.12. 2023 09.00-10.30 CET
Potentials of a prolonged tourism season
Mobile data shows 40 million visitors, 300 million tax income per year
- Archipelago visitors and incomes
First data of visits in the Baltic archipelago region as a whole. How does the visits translate into jobs? And what if September becomes the new August? Joakim Franklin, senior consultant Regional Development WSP
- Welcome to Schizotopia
Fluctuations of visitors and its impacts in coastal and archipelago areas
David Nilsson, Deputy Head, School of Architecture and Built Environment KTH
- Possibilities and challenges in a schizotopian landscape
Turning obstacles into gains — Discussion about the different aspects of a split landscape. Development potentials in tourism business, importance of functional infrastructure and needs of environmental awareness.
Se webinariet här (livesändning) / see the webinar here (live stream):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwrhVOkxc6s
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